Sattriya Dance

Sattriya Nritya, is one among eight principal classical Indian dance traditions. The Name Sattriya arrises from the word Sattra, Because till then the dance recitals were exclusively practiced within the compounds of a Sattra, A monastery like institution which was the epicenter of the Vaishanvite culture. Surrounded by cluster of houses for the inmates headed by a Sattradhikar, every Sattra has a majestic prayer house, called Namghar. Dance got national recognition when this art was brought out of the precincts of Sattra in late 1960s even though it was originally created circa 500 years ago.

Nartan Kala Niketan, one of premier institutes of Sattriya dance located in Guwahati city, Assam. The institue was established in the year 1987. Founder of this Guru Ramkrishna Talukdar came to Edinburgh to perform at Vedic Society of Edinburgh on 20th March 2012. All the dancers are really amazing, even the small kids with meaningful expressions told the story of lord Vishnu and his 10 incarnations. 

I would like to thank each and everyone who performed by name. Ramakrishna Talukdar, Rumi Talukdar, Mridusmita Das, Tusti Tanya Sahariya, Gunjan Talukdar, Pavleena Barman, Ankita Barman, Kashvi Kalita, Shabnam Borgoyari. 

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